New Yorker Times (.net)
Review: Weedsgiving (2024)
It is no exaggeration to say that the first time I saw this movie, it was so amazing that it literally made me projectile vomit. Even though it was an advance showing, this movie was an experience I will never forget, no matter how hard I try. I really liked the visuals, and the story was enticing and really quite good. I have to say, this is one of the movies of 2022.
The use of video is intriguing, and makes you want more. The editing is very well done, and the pacing leaves only small breaks to run upstairs and eject the contents of your stomach. The themes are mature and also immature, and remind me of the complexities paradoxical effect of swear words: they are for old people when you are a child, and immature when an adult. With that said, I would highly recommend bringing the whole family. I would especially recommend this to children you don't like very much.
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New Yorker Times (.net) is not associated with the New York Times. This is meant as a part of a satirical movie review, and is only meant to hold a few quotes for movie posters, with it being obvious after a few moments that it is parody.